Gobierno de México Educación TecNM


It is the Program for Teacher Professional Development (PRODEP), which aims to contribute so that the teaching staff and personnel with functions of direction, supervision, pedagogical technical advice and academic bodies access and / or conclude training programs, academic updating , training and / or research projects to strengthen the profile necessary for the performance of their duties.
Professionalize Full-Time Teachers, offering the same opportunities to women and men to access the support provided by the Program, in order for them to achieve research-teaching, technological development and innovation capacities and with social responsibility; are articulated and consolidated in Academic Bodies and thereby generate a new academic community capable of transforming their environment.
The Program is aimed at Full Time Professors (PTC) who belong to the Technological Institutes of the TecNM (Federal and Decentralized).
  • Receive attentive, dignified and respectful treatment, without any discrimination.
  • Receive advice and support on its operation for free.
  • Have access to the necessary information in a clear and timely manner, to resolve your doubts regarding the actions of the Program.
  • Receive the communication from the executing agencies on the allocation of the resource
  • Have the reservation and privacy of your personal data in the terms of what is established in the General Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information, the Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information, its Regulations and other applicable legal regulations.
  • Receive the information corresponding to the different calls issued by the Program; and receive notification of the results of the requests submitted by the PTCs
  • Receive the contribution of resources for the payment of support based on the budget availability of the Responsible Units.
  • Receive notification of the results of the requests they submit.
  • Express your dissatisfaction with the results issued to your requests.
  • Receive authorized resources in accordance with the provisions of the resource release letters. Based on the budget availability of the URs.
  • Make use of resources in accordance with the items, approved amounts and provisions established in these OR.
  • Comply with the committed activities according to the authorized support (research projects or work plan).
  • Submit to the DSA and its affiliation HEI the semester reports that reflect the progress in activities and exercise of the authorized resources, considering the reports from the date of notification of the results, as well as the final report of the academic impact achieved with the support received, through the established electronic format found in the SISUP.
  • Deliver to the ascription IPES the evidence of the activities carried out during the support period during the first 15 days after the end of the term or, when presenting the final report if the appeal is exercised before this period.
The Social Comptroller is a group of beneficiaries who, in an organized manner, will verify compliance with the goals and the correct application of the public resources assigned to the PRODEP Program.
  • That sufficient, truthful and timely information be disseminated on the operation of the program.
  • That the granting of support is with quality, warmth, efficient, effective, timely and transparent.
  • That the competent authorities give attention to complaints or reports related to the program.
The forms of social organization constituted by the beneficiaries referred to in article 67 of the Regulation of the General Law of Social Development, which carry out the monitoring, supervision and surveillance of the execution, fulfillment of the goals and committed actions, as well as the correct application of the resources assigned to them.
Collaborate in an ACTIVE VOLUNTARY manner and in a representative manner with official organizations, monitoring, supervision and oversight of the execution, fulfillment of the goals and actions committed in the Program, as well as the correct application of the assigned resources.
  • Represent interests and act as a liaison group between the community, local authorities and central authorities.
  • Monitor the proper management of financial resources and that they meet the objective for which they were granted.
  • Capture and channel Complaints or Reports to the corresponding areas.
  • Report any anomaly that occurs during the process of execution and completion of Financial resources.
Within the Program for Teacher Professional Development (PRODEP), which is governed by Rules of operations issued by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, where it mentions in the objective for the higher Type, “Professionalize the PTC, offering the same opportunities for women and men to access the support granted by the Program, in order to achieve the capacities of research-teaching, technological development and innovation and with social responsibility… ”

For the above, we can mention that for the formation of committees they must be equitable.
• Regarding the application, execution and / or technical assistance of the Program, which may give rise to the establishment of administrative, civil and / or criminal responsibilities, and turn them over to the competent authorities for their attention.
Therefore, and with the purpose of facilitating communication with the beneficiaries of the program, the TecNM has arranged the responsible personnel according to the following:
Lic. Miguel Ángel Andrade Herrera, TecNM Social Comptroller Liaison: contraloriasocial_posgrado@tecnm.mx The offices of the National Technological Institute of Mexico are located at 1200 University Avenue, 5th floor sector 5-3, Colonia Xoco, Benito Juárez City Hall , CP 03330, Mexico City, Mexico or call (01 55) 36-00-25-11, ext. 65083.

To present complaints, reports, acknowledgments and suggestions regarding procedures corresponding to the Ministry of Public Education related to Higher Education, you can consult the following link corresponding to the Internal Control Body of the Ministry itself:

http: //www.oic.sep. gob.mx/portal3/quejas2.php
To file complaints and reports, for the possible breach of the obligations of public servants can be made through the portal of the Citizen Complaint System, https://sidec.funcionpublica.gob.mx/#!/, of the Secretariat of the Public function.

The cell phone application "Citizen Report of Corruption". • By telephone: In the interior of the Republic at 800 11 28 700 and in Mexico City, 55 2000 2000. • In person: In module 3 of the Ministry of Public Function located at Av. Insurgentes Sur 1735, PB, Guadalupe Inn, Álvaro Obregón, Postal Code 01020, Mexico City. • Via correspondence: Send your letter to the General Directorate of Complaints and Investigations of the Ministry of Public Function at Av. Insurgentes Sur No. 1735, Piso 2 Ala Norte, Guadalupe Inn, Álvaro Obregón, CP 01020, Mexico City. • Via email: contraloriasocial@funcionpublica.gob.mx • Platform: Internal and External Alerting Citizens of Corruption. The whistleblower platform is designed to deal with serious cases of corruption and / or in which confidentiality is required: https://alertadores.funcionpublica.gob.mx
If you wish to make a query or receive immediate advice regarding the activities of the Internal Control Body in the SEP or regarding the presentation of citizen petitions, you can:
• Go personally to the offices occupied by the Complaints Area of this Supervisory Body, located at: Av. Universidad 1074, Col. Xoco, CP 03330, Mayor's Office Benito Juárez, Mexico City, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
• In the same way, you can enter your document in the Common Parts Office, located at the aforementioned address from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or send it through the email: quejas@sep.gob.mx


Km. 2.5 Carretera Federal Perote - México Col. Centro Perote, Ver. C.P. 91270


Email: contacto@itsperote.edu.mx 
Phones: 01 (282) 8-25-31-50
y 01 (282) 8-25-31-51
Fax: 8 25 36 68


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